lunes, 8 de marzo de 2021




 💸🌐💲THE PREMIUM AND INNOVATIVE WORLD ECONOMY that is currently gestating to become the New Global Economy💲🌐. This is a Different, Better and Fair Economy for everyone, because it is an Economy Created and Built on a Good and Solid platform that starts from the Totality, or from the Absolute Knowledge and Integral Spiritual Wisdom, Superior or Celestial of each one👥☯ , it  which will allow everyone to create a True and Solid Economy; an Economy that starts from the application of the Higher Consciousness and Wisdom, the Integral Human and Spiritual Values☯, Ethics, Virtues, Qualities, Human Quality and Supreme or Integral Spiritual Wisdom, or Wisdom equal to that of God. The one that each one will apply (Supreme Wisdom and The Consciousness that he is equal to God) to create this New Form of Economy de, Money, Business, Trade, Exchange and Ingenuity of Products and Services, where each one will see that  with your creation, do not hurt others; Human Beings👥👩, Animals🐴🐬🐱, Natural Ecosystems🌴🐒🐔🌱 and Mother Earth, but rather that what produces "their actions or creations (products and services)" does good to itself, and to the entire Earthly Environment (Mother  Earth 🌎🌲) and Universal that surrounds us.

 🌐☯💲The New, Modern, Unique, Fluid and Conscious World Economy that we are all already creating to cover the New Needs or Requirements that we are all already having💳💰;  by developing Our Consciousness and Supreme or Integral Spiritual Wisdom, or of being a human being with the Absolute Consciousness and Superior Wisdom equal to that of God☯, which is already being fixed and is entering the entire World Population, and the Planet  Earth and Universes🌎🌠🌟, so that we all act and live from this Supreme or Absolute and Real Consciousness of who each one REALLY is👨👩☯, as it is;  show us from this Higher Consciousness, how starting from the Consciousness and Supreme or Integral Spiritual Wisdom of each Human Being👥☯⚖️, we can use all the Resources of Mother Earth🌍, and thus, create with these (resources of Mother Earth  Tierra) High Quality Products and Services🚘💍👞👖;  Some that help us to create a form of Economic Exchange with other Human Beings, created from what Nature produces🌿🌲🌳, the Environment🐱🐬🌲🐴, or the Soils of Mother Earth🌱, as it is;  Engineer and Create with these Earth Resources;  Products and Services with True Quality Standards👓📱👚🚠;  Some that are Beneficial and Healthy for others: Human Beings👸👤👨, Animals🐬🐴, Nature🌿🌴 and the entire Planet Earth🌎, and so on.

 If the World Economy at this time is experiencing a Monumental Change💲⚖️☯, with the Purpose of helping to Develop in Each Human Being;  New and Better ways to Produce Money Din, Income, a Digital Economic System📱💰, which represents the content, form or creation of a Product or Service provided, to cover a requirement or need of a Public or Human Beings, and so on.

 This is how everyone is seeing that as the world economy is changing, many are creating ways of attracting attention to catch the attention of the Public;  An Audience that at this moment is internally dissatisfied and without a clear basis about what it really wants, since something is happening inside it, everything in it is changing, and the only thing that is clear is that it seeks to test novelty to see if that  It fills you up or makes you Healthy and Safe.  This is how many are taking advantage of this to create commerce or products of different shapes, components, designs, etc., to meet these new needs of the world population👥🌐;  a population that is going through a change of Supreme Radical Consciousness, since all its Interior (its Thoughts👸👨, Emotions💕, and its Spiritual part☯), is being replaced by a better one;  one that will help you see everything very clearly and feel better.  Now their tastes, and their forms of action, are changing, which can lead each one to create unnecessary things;  things, products or services that instead of helping to improve everyone's economy, these threaten the well-being of other Human Beings👥👤, Animals🐴🐬 and Mother Earth🌍, by producing, producing, and then discarding and polluting everything  this.

 This is how everyone's economy can turn into chaos;  by returning a disaster to Mother Earth that feeds and supplies them with Well-being, since if the Human Being does not regain his Total Consciousness, and begins with a Development of his entire Human and Celestial Spiritual Being, this will negatively impact everyone,  because the entire World Population would be consuming, throwing away or discarding, not feeling covered their internal needs, and seeing that nothing fills or satisfies them completely.

 Some Higher Minds of Human Beings who have the ability to see a little further, will seek to have control of this trade and the collective need for novelty.  Given your internal dissatisfaction, you will take the opportunity to take advantage of this;  leading everyone like a herd, along the path of consumerism without a Spiritual Consciousness, regardless of the impact that this will have on Planet Earth, because his interest is only personal, without taking into account that this will end up negatively affecting him  also, because the power of the ambition of many is more powerful than the well-being of all and of himself.

 This is how if this OVER-SUPPLY and OVERPRODUCTION is not put to rest, the Planet and Humanity are in danger because of these Minds that seek to satisfy their needs for Money, Pleasure and Power or Control over others, without having a Consciousness  of the future of their actions;  Humanity and the Well-being of Mother Earth, where her descendants or descendants will live;  children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, what their father, grandfather, great-grandfather has left as an inheritance to future generations;  by acting from a Human and Spiritual Unconsciousness, due to lack of self-knowledge and knowledge of everyone and everything that surrounds him.

 Then the World Economy will take a New, Real, Better course, and will Stabilize when each Human Being sees and begins this work of Overcoming and Personal and Spiritual Development, so that by recovering his Consciousness and Total or Spiritual Wisdom of who he really is  , thus begin to create a better economy for yourself and for everyone on a global level, because by developing this Supreme Real and Spiritual Consciousness, each one will see that what it requires on a physical level, is very LITTLE, fundamental, and with High Standards of  Quality, and made from the heart and love for what each one will create with the matter that Mother Earth produces for all.

 Everyone's Supreme Consciousness, when used permanently, will return to every human being;  a being that will be inclined only for what is healthy, of quality and made with a good disposition.

 Thus, everyone will be fed and will have only Quality Products and services provided from the Supreme Wisdom that each one possesses.

 This is what is happening at these moments in all, where from the Infinite, an Infinite Radiance of God is descending, to fill each Human or Living Being of the Earth and the Universes;  with this Wonderful Spiritual or Total Energy, in such a way that this same Energy converts everyone and everything into this Same Superior or God Energy.

 It is for this reason that every Human Being is now so restless, and does not find total satisfaction in anything;  a permanent satisfaction, or having a clear and sure destination or goal, because every day his mood is fluctuating, as a result of this New Supreme Energy that is entering or entering each one.

 This is how our invitation is that everyone begins to improve their lifestyle;  to lead a Healthy Life, to practice more Reflection, Meditation, Good Habits, to act from Love towards All, to be Tolerant, Compassionate, Caring, Honest and Good with everyone, to Take Care of Others, to be Responsible,  Organized and Very Fair with everyone and with everything, to take care of the Environment, not to pollute, to create what is fair and with True Quality, to do the Work and the Products and Services with Love and Delivery, and so on.  Thus you will see how this Supreme New Energy will enter each one to fixate and turn them all into a Human and Spiritual Being with an Energy equal to the Celestial Energy of God, so each one will look and feel better by looking good and feeling satisfied with himself.  same.

 And seeing that the others are also the same in their Original Version, they are Wonderful Beings equal to each one, in their unique version but with Supreme Consciousness.

 In this way a New and Better Economy will be created and is being created in everyone, from now on, and for this reason a Rare or Different Energy is felt, and there are Indefinite Horizons, because all this is what is being  structuring in each one.  This is how with this Information and Clear Goal, now we are all going to open our Higher Channels so that this Divine Energy enters each one in a natural way, and we change all our old customs and habits;  for New, Better and Healthy, and let us all ensure the Well-being of others and of Planet Earth and its Environment, since this is the true home that we all have, and that belongs to us as the collective homeland that is the world for  everybody.

 So, let's get to work! And we are all going to change and receive with open arms and willing hearts and feet;  to change and improve the Quality of Life of All and of Planet Earth, starting with each one;  By carrying out actions that only generate Satisfaction for others and each one, creating necessary products and services, and of Good and Optimal Quality.  Respecting others, helping or collaborating so that everything and everyone is well, and treating everyone and everything with respect, compassion and love, meditating, reflecting, and cultivating the Supreme or God Consciousness of each one, as well as feeding ourselves with  very Healthy and Nutritious foods, feeding the senses with good impressions;  like seeing beautiful things, speaking well of everyone, with love, sweetness and joy, listening to what is necessary and important, breathing pleasant aromas, listening to things that feed our body and the Holy Spirit with loving and fraternal sensations, and so on ... endless  acts that help us to be attentive and very aware of everyone and everything so as not to hurt or harm anyone or anything.

 This is our purpose as a pioneer or entrepreneurial company of this INYRGRAL ECONOMIC AND SPIRITUAL Megaproject, where we have cultivated our Supreme and professional Knowledge👸👨☯, in order to be able to with our Master's Degree, Guide, Tools and Programs and Avant-garde and Didactic Projects;  the power to lead everyone in a Simple and Sweet Way towards this Supreme or Divine path, so that all benefit and become enlightened, and thus also positively change their life for a better one, and created from a Real and Integral Spiritual Consciousness👥☯;  a Consciousness that truly knows how to create a Safe and Happy life for everyone and everything.

 This will be the new World Economy that we are proposing to create🌐💲;  an Economy based on the Integral Spiritual Development, Ethical and Supreme Wisdom of all.



We as an Innovative, Avant-garde and Expert Company in all these Integral Spiritual issues, we are able to guide you all with our Superior Mastery, Honesty, Ethics, Celestial Love, Supreme Knowledge, along the path of Total Spiritual enlightenment, so  each one will become a being with an open and awake Supreme Consciousness, which will allow each one to build a better life, one where they will have a Better Economy, Health, Good Job Opportunities, Studies, Family and Personal and Professional Achievements,  some that completely satisfy them all, and so on.

 This is how if you want to know more about how to become a being with a development of all your Supreme Capabilities☯⚖️, please get in direct contact with us, to lead you along this Spiritual and Material Path at the same time, Path where  You will find your Personal and Spiritual fulfillment, this with our Professionalism, Mastery, Guidance, Teachings, tools and integral and Spiritual Programs that we apply, so you will become a new being and with a magnificent life, since you will be a being with a Social Consciousness☯  👥👤, Environmental ☯🌴🌿 and Supreme, what will each do;  a very happy and satisfied being who each one is and who the others are;  a Splendorous Light equal to everyone and everything that surrounds it, its infinite surroundings of God.

 This Our goal and purpose, as it is;  help to positively transform everyone, so that together we can all create a Very Just and Better World for everyone🌐⚖️, a World with a good Government, Health Systems⚕️🏥💊, or good health services, with great Economic opportunities💲  , and an Excellent, Modern and Complete Education🎓, as well as how to have access to clear, unique and true Spiritual Beliefs, ones that completely satisfy everyone☯⚖️.

Company: International Business Leaders; Leaders with Absolute Spiritual Wisdom, and Social and Environmental Awareness.

💲☯🌲🌐 We are a Leading International Company, Innovative and Versatile, a Company with Big Projects and    proposals, and a very Clear Objective: to Revolutionize the World of Business, Finance, Education, Health or Sanitary, Government, Housing, etc.... 

If you are interested in our proposal and project, please get in direct contact with our work group and company.  We are attentive to resolve any concerns you may have in this regard.  Thank you.










 We are here to assist you, from our Honesty, Mastery, Spiritual Wisdom and Human Quality;  from the principles that represent us as an innovative and avant-garde company.

Written by: 
☯⚖🏢Company International;  Business Leaders, with Great Integral Spiritual Mastery, and With Supreme Wisdom and Absolute Consciousness, to Grow Companies

  Experts in business development.

We are a leading company, with a very effective working group, able of make grow or increase the capital of all within each of these (companies).



We are a leading company with big ideas of vanguard, able to stand out your company between the crowd.

💟⚖☯🌐We are a leading company with big ideas of vanguard, able to stand out your company between the crowd.

Company; Business Leaders, and work team, with Supreme Wisdom and Absolute Consciousness, Ethics, Human and Spiritual Values, Human and Spiritual Quality, etc.

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